Surname: Shakibaei
Forename: Mehdi
Date of Birth: 06 June, 1958
Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Anatomy, Musculoskeletal Research Group and Tumor Biology, Pettenkoferstrasse 11, D-80336 Munich, Germany.
Tel./Fax: ++49-89-2180 72 624/625
E-Mail: [email protected]
Education and Academic Qualifications:
D. M.: Free University of Berlin, Germany, 1988
Ph.D.: Free University of Berlin, Department of Biochemistry, Germany, 1990
Habilitation: Free University of Berlin, Department of human Anatomy Germany, 1997
Professor: Free University of Berlin, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy Germany, 2002
Full Professor: Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Anatomy, 2004
Posts Held:
1988 – 1990: Instructor, Dep. of Veterinary Biochemistry, Free University of Berlin, Germany
1990 – 1991: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dep. of Molecular and Biochemistry, FU Berlin, Germany
1991 – 1995: Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Professor, Dep. of Anatomy, FU Berlin, Germany
1995 – 1996: Visiting Research Assistant Professor, Dep. of Medical and Molecular Parasitology, New York University Medical Centre, NY, USA
1997 – 2002: Associated Professor and Professor, Dep. of Anatomy, FU Berlin, Germany
2002 – 2004: Professor, Department of Anatomy, FU Berlin, Germany
2004 – Present: Full Professor, Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, Faculty of Medicine, Inst. of Anatomy, Germany
Working for the past 15 years in the field of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Cartilage, Bone and Tendon Tissue Engineering, molecular biology analysis, phytochemical analysis and Tumor Biology.
1: Stem Cell Tissue Engineering
2: Cartilage, Bone and Tendon Tissue Engineering
3: Nutritional Biochemistry of Phytochemicals and their Biological Actions on osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoporosis
4: Phytochemicals-mediated suppression of NF-B promotes chondrogenic/tenogenic and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in a 3D-Microenvironment
5: Phytochemicals-mediated suppression of NF-B, EMT (epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition) inhibits Malignity and Metastasis of colon cancer stem cells in a 3D-coculture-Microenvironment
Over 150 peer reviewed scientific papers (pub-med), 14 chapters in textbooks, editor of 1 book.